Drasaya (Gebofal 2.0), Day 1: Call to TEX (30th Aethyr)

Updated with the GIF of the torus transforming into a sphere from Wikipedia.

Today I began the 2nd gebofal-like ritual ordeal, but I have been told by the angels that this ritual will be called drasaya. For purposes of clarity, I will title each of these days as above. Because I was still making updates a few days ago, I will offer a summary of the format in this post, including necessary changes to the order of the calls. Then I will proceed to a summary of the workings of the day, which will be the main format of daily posts for the 49 days of the ritual.

There will be three components to each day of the ritual: reading the text of the books of Pronoa Pibliar Caosgo (the title of my Book of Silvered Leaves–I don’t necessarily believe that everyone will receive the same title for this book–which translates to “[Alchemical] Love and Places of Comfort of the Earth”) and Amzes Naghezes Hardeh (commonly known as Liber Loagaeth, though this is not the title of the book); reciting the Enochian calls in reverse order (starting with the call to the Aethyr of TEX on Day 1 three times a day, and ending with the hidden call as received by Frater Sorath; I have written about my experience with this call previously); and finally calling upon angels associated with the parts of the system: the Heptarchy, the Zodiacal Kings who serve as governors over the Aethyrs, specifically the Parts of the Earth, and the children of light, who are angels from the Sigillum Dei Aemeth (occasionally I will call upon other angels such as the children of light’s mother, Galvah).

There’s a lot to keep track of and mistakes are bound to be made (for example, this morning I neglected to call on the Heptarchical King Babalel and his Prince Befafes): I remind the reader that during rituals you are bound to confront your own humanity, including the tendency to err (“sin”). This is not to create a guilt complex, but rather to remind you to seek grace from the Divine and also allow yourself to extend it to you. Now, the summary of today’s results:

Sunrise: I read the final page of Pronoa Pibliar Caosgo and the same for Amzes Naghezes Hardeh. I chose to read the whole thing, front and back, because the text for each is short (105 letters) and it seemed to be inappropriate to break up the text. Even before I read this leaf, I could sense a change in the energy: stronger, subtler, etc. Then I made the call to TEX and called the five governors to reinforce the vision (four originally received by Dee and Kelley, plus one more that I received from a separate operation).

The vision proceeded with a sense that I could clearly see all 30 Aethyrs at once. This was facilitated by the use of Pronoa Pibliar Caosgo. However, the governors instructed me to remain in TEX. They showed me a square, and curved it such that it became a cylinder, then extended and rotated that cylinder into a torus, and then by changing the parameters of the torus, turned it into a sphere (sorry I couldn’t find a better video for this, I know I’ve seen one where a torus changes into a double-sphere: mathematicians, please reach out!). They mentioned that this can be extended to have a cube change into a hypersphere by similar curved methods, and a hypercube into a 5D sphere, etc.

They then showed me an octahedron (the dual polyhedron to the cube), and reminded me of the process of symbolism of my 2021 gebofal ritual. A driving message of this ritual was the development of 3D symbolism, often speaking very closely to my heart. Now it seems that the symbolism, rather than leaping directly to developments into final forms (as if there were the mundane world on the one hand, and a massively complex world of symbols which were not always clearly understandable to me on the other yet continued to unfold), instead is now developing the final forms but directly showing me how the unfolding happens. Long story short, things are far clearer to me than the first go-round, and I have found that the process is highly integrative. As mentioned, I forgot to call upon Babalel and Befafes, but will remember to do this at noon and sunset.

I then repeated the call and, as I will do for each of the Aethyrs every morning, and separately asked the governors to reconcile me with their associated Parts of the Earth in TEX (repeating the process for Zarnaah, who governs two Parts). This lightened my energy, as it did when I separately requested this for the governors of LIL months ago.

(Solar) Noon: For various reasons this ritual was rushed, yet it went relatively well. I was shown once again the sequence of shapes as above. I’m shown an octahedron this time, and they explicitly relate it to the Enochian word alchidao (diamond), and mention that there can be higher-dimensional orthoplexes. Essentially when we see diamond cuts, there’s an unconscious attempt to replicate these higher-dimensional orthoplexes, and that there’s an attempt to fractally replicate this when 3D diamonds are being cut by jewelers. I’m further seeing fractal patterns appearing along the faces of the octahedron, and these triangles within the face are appearing in beautiful reds, yellows, and other colors. The triangles, I’m told, are just part of a continuous reconfiguration of this orthoplex.

The angels now bid me relax, and I do. Now it’s like the top of my head is the top half of an octahedron, and it’s like the four triangles are peeling away from the top, like petals of a flower. They bid me try to visualize this in 4D space; from within this, it’s like an obelisk or a pyramidion sprouts up from the middle of it, black in color. It’s reminiscent of ZAX. Each time that someone develops their consciousness into a higher dimension, they inform me, it’s like it allows for higher-aethyr consciousness to emerge. Doing so again allows for, the LIL version of that same consciousness, and it’s as though another pyramidion comes up from that (note that this suggests that TEX is to 3D as ZAX is 4D as LIL is to 5D).

Now I see a nail, or perhaps a spear or a spike, comes down through the exact top of this obelisk/pyramidion and shatters it, and the pieces whirl about me and my energy system: this is what it’s like in the lower-dimensional realms (no wonder “Earth” is translated as “Caosgo”!). Yet working up through these Aethyrs and other higher-dimensional paths, you can get these better-ordered configurations. This is similar to the higher grades of samadhi, or subtler and subtler forms of clear light consciousness, then it’s similar to extraordinarily elegant orthoplexes. I’m reminded of Ry Villa’s description of the clear light consciousness as “crystalline,” and this is very much the sense that I’m getting here–in TEX, no less! It’s like these higher geometries allow for more and more subtle crystalline-like extrusions and permutations of consciousness. The Book of Silvered Leaves–Pronoa Pibliar Caosgo–allows for easier migration from one level of dimensionality to another, and a smoother view and understanding of them as well. There are structures revealed by Amzes Naghezes Hardeh (Liber Loagaeth), but more can be revealed through its interaction with the Book of Silvered Leaves, and moreover the subtle areas of these can be more readily navigated through the Book of Silvered Leaves. This is similar to the idea of the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah containing nested/fractal versions of the Tree within it. The former book is parallel to the sun and the latter is like the moon, then it’s easier to navigate to Tiphareth (sun) if you aren’t missing Yesod (moon), and of course to navigate into “secret tunnels” of sub-trees if you aren’t missing the “hub” of Yesod.

The angels bid me relax, which I do, and they continue to work through my subtle body system. I pause now to call upon the angels associated with Mars; Thaoth, Cumael, Ese, Ilr, Ath, Ave, and Madimiel. They have me pay attention to a sphere, which is quartered. Then they draw my attention to the point in the middle as if it were the point of the top of a square pyramid. Here they note that this is the quintessence (not to be conflated with the Aethyrs–or perhaps it should be?), and that by rotation, it would give it creates the appearance of a regular pentagram/pentagon, and by extending this into three dimensions, one obtains a dodecahedron.

Dr. Terry Burns in her series on the Monas Hieroglyphica notes the classical theories of the Platonic solids, which has earth as the lowliest of the four classical elements because while the other three can transform into each other (each of them relating to triangular Platonic solids), earth is stuck with squares and can’t transform. Frankly, that the cube has the octahedron as its dual suggests that earth was always “in the mix” as an element. Anyway, the idea of the quintessence (represented by the dodecahedron, which not only is the most spherical of the regular polyhedra in terms of volume-to-radius ratio, but which also a triangular-faced polyhedron, the icosahedron, as its dual) is that all four elements derive from this fifth, and so can be reconciled and transform into each other. Note that the quintessence continues into the dodecahedron and the four-dimensional analogue of the 120-cell.

I’m left wondering if the “end” of the quintessence at the fourth dimension suggests that after we understand ourselves

Sunset: I decided to record my experience after making the prayer of Ave (with my own brief prayers appended), reading the last leaves of Pronoa Pibliar Caosgo (Book of Silvered Leaves) aloud, and making the call to the Aethyr of TEX; it’s here.

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