Enochian Today

This site is dedicated to innovations in Enochian and to magick in general.

  • 111 Enochian Prayers

    December 1, 2019 by

    Update: I have made a minor revision to the prayers. I’ve decided to stay as close to Fr. Leitch’s pronunciation as possible to the exclusion of others. This has streamlined the prayers. These are the 111 Enochian prayers to God that I initially created for a book manuscript. You are the beneficiary of my changing… Read more

  • Drasaya (“Gebofal 2.0”), Day 4: Call to ZAA (27th Aethyr)

    April 26, 2024 by

    Sunrise: I chanted the call twice. I see a torus before me, and it has the right-angular “teeth” mentioned in the previous vision. It seems to be moving over the Earth, but it’s actually a 2D field. I see that in so doing, it’s planting little seeds within the field, and then allows the …… Read more

  • Drasaya (“Gebofal 2.0”), Day 3: Call to BAG (28th Aethyr)

    April 25, 2024 by

    Sunrise: I make the call twice, and the second time call upon my HGA in addition to the governors. I see a spiral appearing (not a golden spiral, just a standard, “increase radius by X every revolution” spiral). In three dimensions, it doesn’t appear as a hyperbolic/tapering funnel, but rather as a simple cone. Yet… Read more

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