Drasaya (“Gebofal 2.0”), Day 2: Call to RII (29th Aethyr)

Sunrise: I see points of light surrounding me in a sphere; this feeling of being in a bubble is common in this Aethyr. I see a reverse stellation where cones from the sphere approach me. 

Next, I am purposely disoriented by the vision; I remind myself that I am always aligned with the heart of the Divine. Once more, I see all 30 Aethyrs at once, and once again I am advised to keep my consciousness in this Aethyr.

I take a moment to reattain myself to my Holy Guardian Angel. The four governors of this Aethyr (Hononol, Zarnaah, Arfaolg, and Ziracah, of Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, and Taurus, respectively) bid me relax, which I do for a time. I see a corkscrew. What follows is a lesson in geometry, or perhaps topology: I’m reminded by the angels that if there is a constant multiplier to the function of, for example, a circle, then this produces effects such as the golden ratio spiral. Applying this to a corkscrew, one obtains a funnel–like 3-D spiral.

I’m told to not only realize this, but also think about this. This turns my mind toward UAP phenomena, so I extrapolate this a bit to 4D thinking. At this, I am told that just as the real world contains not only perfect regular forms, such as a square, pentagon, cube, dodecahedron, etc., And the 4D regular polychora, or higher dimensional polytopes, are not the only shapes available in these spaces. So, for example, a 4D equivalent to a hyperbola, would seem to us to be unpredictable, because we are unfamiliar with four dimensional mathematics. So much more so if there is a simple regular formula to which a multiplier has been added. Yet such phenomena would ultimately be predictable, despite their irregularity and fantastical nature to our 3-D eyes. There’s also no reason why magic should necessarily seem fantastical, and we can use probability and higher mathematics to study it. So I’m told that there is some means of prediction.

In response, I bring up matters such as quantum entanglement, and other other strange phenomena  (however notes that even this is based on mathematical predictions, lol). And the angels respond, “it’s determined that God is working through something.” Lol. 

So I allow all of this, and relax further into the vision. I refresh calling upon the zodiacal kings/governors as well as my HGA. The angels bid me deeply relax. I see a spiral, but it begins as a vertical line, which rotates or curves into a circle, and I’m reminded by the angels that the concept of the circle into the spiral is the same. It’s just one has a different parameter from the other. This is important because the higher intelligence is operating from these higher dimensional perspectives, so these intelligences which reside in these spaces may rather than a regular higher dimensional form, may instead operate, according to an irregular form, such as a spiral, or a four dimensional ellipse, or any number of other non-Euclidian shapes. In can be a perfectly continuous intelligence that we would consider to be very well integrated that nonetheless to us would seem strange to us. So when it comes to matters of trying to affect real world, change with magic within this mundane world, we need to be accepting of things that are going to seem bizarre despite following very regular rules. 

At this, I tried to relate it to the heart: the angels say that this is always a good thing to do. The angels say that I’m able to do this because I recognize that my heart is always aligned with the Divine. It’s good when I return to the heart, to think of these perfect forms, but if I am centered there perfectly, then there will be this level of apparent insanity, and things appearing to not be ideal, if we are looking at this, with our human minds from the perspective of God’s heart and of His mind. This means that some level of ambivalence should be expected: indifference is denying the heart, whereas ambivalence is allowing the multitude of emotions within it. And I’m reassured by the angels that it’s okay: it’s okay to have things be this way, while still acting for the greater good and development and realization. Yet at the same time it’s also good to acknowledge that there things, intelligences, etc., that go beyond what we would consider ideal forms, or that appear to be, but are simply changing according to a known rule that we are dimly aware of or for some reason cannot honor. Yet these factors should be honored, just as the non-Euclidean geometry allowed for such development in physics, which explained that much more of the universe. (Side note from me that this calls upon us to work through the things we have difficulty accepting).

The angels work on my energy body, specifically my heart and crown chakra, mentioning a relationship similar to quantum entanglement between them. I move on to call on the governors individually, asking them to reconcile me with their parts of the Earth, and they do so: once again, the sensation of this is quite pleasant. I also call upon Aoth, Michael (who is associated with Mercury in the Enochian system), Bnaspol, Blisdon, and the Mercurial Children of Light, for general blessings. I’m human so forgot to call on King Zurchol, just as I did for King Olpaged yesterday (I remembered to call during my early morning run, so it was still Tuesday according to planetary hour reckoning). I’ll rectify that omission during the noon working.

(Solar) Noon: The angels bid me be still. I’m seeing a quartered circle, and then I see it as a quartered sphere. The angels then have me pay attention to the Great/Watchtower Table. They mention that today I have King Bnaspol’s/Prince Blisdon’s seal (as well as their ministers’). The angels reiterate that there is unique beauty of Mercury in Virgo, and they recommend that I call upon the zodiacal king of this sign, Zurchol (I do this later). The angels, reiterate that there is almost a peak changeability/mutability to Mercury here.

The angels refer back to the previous vision of the four-dimensionality and how, despite the chaos, there was actually a great deal of order and determinism built into it, even if such could not be observed directly due to our limited vantage point. They remind me that as I move through John Dee’s thinking with respect to the quaternary, that there were limits to what Dee had available and could visualize–and even many limits that I have!–yet this is normal. The visions that we try to describe and messages that we try to convey will become important as others try to make sense of new things, because the visions and messages allow God and the angels to connect the people with the right ideas.

The angels show me a sphere divided into equal eighths now, and their main takeaway is that there will be a great deal to learn from Mercury, and that it is not to happen in this session, necessarily, but perhaps in two or three more sessions (i.e., two or three more weeks). The potential to rectify Heaven and Earth really does hinge on Mercury, and on things (note: probably the elements) being well balanced. Even in the “flow state” (wu wei) that Mercury provides [in such a balance], with Mercury everything is thought out and provides a planning phase, such as when Mercury is in its exaltation and domicile of Virgo. So it’s a good thing that I’m starting off well by calling the Zodiacal King Zurchol right after this.

I ask if there’s anything else that the angels have; they work on my subtle body again. It seems as though the angels are working through more and more subtle things with each ordeal (first going through the Aethyrs, then again through the Aethyrs during gebofal, and now again through them during drasaya. It’s like a nested Tree of Life (with each sephirot being its own tree within the larger tree such that one could find Malkuth of Yesod, Yesod of Yesod, etc., but the angels say that this is like working through the 7th power of that so as to allow the 8th, 9th, and 10th powers of it to manifest, as it were. The angels tell me not to worry or flag, but rather to trust, for their ways are not the ways of Man.

The vision ends.

Sunset: My plan is to post the evening sessions as videos from here on out. Tonight’s video is here.

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