Drasaya (“Gebofal 2.0”), Day 5: Call to DES (26th Aethyr)

Sunrise: I make the call to DES twice. I see waves coming towards me across a plane; there’s a sense of atomic or molecular structures to these waves, and there’s a black background. I ask my Holy Guardian Angel for help maintaining this vision. And I see that there are concentric paraboloids, trying to become steeper but then flattening out (the inertia is to return to a flat plane). They are trying to succeed in altering the otherwise flat field of waves. Occasionally they succeed, and when they do they invert and create a hill on the 2D field. These hills sometimes arrange themselves such that there’s a valley that serves as a nest for a much larger paraboloid to try to “pull” out the wave into something higher order, such as into the fourth dimension.

So there’s this constant effort to try to get a larger structure, and this, the angels tell me, is like Wisdom from some otherwise regular and dull structures. The goal is to pull out something that greater understanding of the world, and of the universe, and of a better outcome. There’s a great effort among the angelic realms and the Divine to create the means for unfolding this larger reality and potential within what we call a three-dimensional reality.

My body is flagging a bit. The angels bid me be still and try to encourage me where they work on how this relates to the heart. It’s a more difficult and more fruitful path, the angels tell me, to “blaze a new trail” by working alone (such as a paraboloid far away from the others), doing this can be very limiting, depending on the nature of the mind. Cooperation (as with a cluster of paraboloids) can instead more readily allow for higher-dimensional manifestations. The angels relate this to the social nature of the 9th house, and how God can manifest among “where two or three are gathered in my name,” and that I will be given the opportunity for my social life to open up some more.

(Solar) Noon: Once again I’m seeing a wave approach me, but this time I am shown a cross-section of it. It’s a cosine wave, or rather a cosine(x-pi/2) wave. Yet there’s a multiplier, such that the wave looks something like this:

(ignore the jagged parts, it’s supposed to be perfectly smooth).

Next I feel some energy energy in my head. It’s as if the angels wish to speak, but I’m not entirely sure. And the answer appears to be “no,” because now I see a red-and-black being, similar to the Lord of Darkness in Legend, except that he has perhaps a dozen horns in rows along either side of his skull, which come together either like a hairband or to a point. It seems like unto the ZAX/abyssal energy. As mentioned in my previous post, I’m seeing this sort of thing earlier as I did in gebofal. I call on the governors as well as my HGA to make sense of this. They create a containing tetrahedron for him and say that I did the right thing. This is a factor of the skewing of the Aethyr of DES in particular. I’m being reminded that there’s an astrological influence this year, but this experience is not that.

I ask the angels if there’s anything else; the angels decide to cut the session sort on account of the intrusion. There needs to be a certain amount of license for this sort of spirit arising as a result of Creation, they say, but it’s rare. These beings are a collective problem and as a result there needs to be collective action to contain it. I see a sphere with three bands about it at 90 degrees from each. The angels tell me that this being and the sphere about it has a parallel with my heart: there’s pressure being placed upon it, and as long as the will is made to keep the heart soft, then there shouldn’t be too big of an issue with any individual’s spirit (recalling the caveats of real life). This process culminates in a jewel.

Now I’m seeing a sort of fuzzy, Muppet-style character. Strange. The angels bid me to be aware that in this Aethyr of DES (it has been a while!), strangeness can arise.

The vision ends.

Sunset: I have posted the final scrying session in video form here. The main takeaway is that the issues encountered with this aethyr in this format–namely that the abyssal energy is appearing earlier than usual –can be overcome by using the symbol received in ZAX from one’s first scrying of the 30 Aethyrs. The reason why this energy is encountered earlier (an issue I had to a lesser degree during gebofal) is that one purpose of this ritual is to create the experience of all of the Aethyrs as a unified whole–nonduality as in Buddhism and other traditions.

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