Gebofal, Day 41

Sunrise: Call/Key 9, (because the true first key “was not to be spoken,” most practitioners refer to this as call 8). Call to King Baligon. Call to Godnames “MOR,” “DIAL,” “HCTGA.”

King Baligon appears in an earthen form, but now appears as a forest or field king within nature. He notes the obvious: Venus is now in Taurus, which is in alignment with today as Venus’ of the week, as well as with the Earth tablet under my feet (of course, King Baligon’s seal rests upon that, and he is associated with Venus). He says he will speak briefly, but I reply that he of course may speak at whatever length he chooses.

King Baligon indicates via placing an thin earthen sphere about me, that I have some of these powers already within me. He is going to magnify it and bring it into its fullness, he says. He shows me the obvious act of digging into earth. Yesterday, he says, I was given the image of water washing off the dirt. This time he points downward that humans have come to learn that precious stones come from the power of Earth, whether that be compression (in the case of diamonds) or magma cooling. He also points to gold and says that it’s a rarity, left here by stars many years ago. Everything that was said yesterday about that golden diamond reflecting something inward, to the human mind, is true. There’s beauty therein.

Now he points to gnomes, and we think of them as related to elemental earth, and he bids me watch what they do. Now I see an image of a proper mine, and I see one, among many, who is swinging a pickaxe into a wall of a mine. The idea here is that eventually if you go through with the pickaxe and make your way through all of this dirt, eventually you will reach what you’re looking for.

Then King Baligon points to several things about a proper mine. First, care is taken such that the earth above does not crush the miners: supports and such. This is a power associated with mining and gold and precious stones. Then, the ability to recognize a glint of ore, or to feel it by indirect contact, or even to have a sixth sense as to where it is: this would also be a power associated with gold and precious stones.

Obviously, we want the thing to be beautiful, so the hammering of the gold into shape, the planning of the shape, the measuring of a finger for, say, a gold diamond ring to fit about it: all of these things are related to the actual shape of the final object itself, and belong to the powers of Gold and Precious Stones as they relate to elemental earth. As an aside, he adds that the knowledge of metals, which come from Prince Bornogo, can be combined in this manner. Continuing, he says that having a beautiful shape of the golden jewelry in mind, this also belongs to this earth aspect of the power of Gold and Precious Stones. Any time that there needs to be a certain arrangement that the stones would need to be fixed upon, that is pleasing to the eye: that sense of pleasantness and elegance, of things looking right. To some degree a conceptual degree of elegance could come with Venus in Gemini or Venus in Aries (for the latter has a good sense of conceptual elegance: what would make a perfectly beautiful extent of where one element ends and where another begins–which is why they make very good fighters!). He says that in particular, the pleasant arrangement that earthiness brings here is like a beautiful arrangement for a feast, which looks good before anyone sits down (whereas if considering where and how people sat mattered, such would belong more to Venus in Libra).

As far as transportation is concerned, earth brings consideration of weight and lading: understanding just how much can be gotten away with in terms of weight when it comes to travel, or what a reasonable or practical amount that one could or should be laden with in order to travel from one point to another. Understanding this very well in terms of precision would be related to Virgo: what ought to be shed and kept and the meticulous planning thereby. Having a general sense of whether the trip would even be worth it: such would be Taurus–but he says that we’ll get into each sign at the noon scrying: “It seems to work very well for you.”

King Baligon says to continue to try to find the correct combination of servient angels to match the numbers in the remaining calls. “It’s worthwhile and it’s pleasing unto the Lord that this work is done.”

I ask whether King Baligon has anything further in his generosity and mercy; “No,” he replies, “this is it. Thanks be unto God.”

Thus ends the vision.

Noon: Similar procedure. This is the famous “Pagesgem” half-leaf, 9a:

Picture of Leaf 9A of Amzes Naghezes Hardeh. King Bornogo notes that this is the only leaf with a circle in the middle, and with numbers upon it; it also has the name “Bornogo” central and in appearing in four directions (other kings or princes may appear within Liber Loagaeth, but not to my knowledge, and certainly none central to it).

The vision starts with a subtle flash of light appearing in the upper-right of my field of vision. Nothing further happens, so I relax, and King Baligon bids me do so further. I note aloud that I would seem to indirectly be calling upon Prince Bornogo by having my left hand upon this leaf. “Here be Michael,” says King Baligon, a clear reference to Michael as the archangel of the sun, “but if you had the entire one, of course, Raphael.” This confirms Raphael as the archangel of Tiphareth, and Michael as the archangel of its planetary ruler. Yet as to what “the entire one” refers, I do not know.

I continue to relax into the vision. King Baligon says that we will just briefly touch on the powers that we haven’t touched on already. Getting back to the vision of the mine: the structure of what it takes to have a mining operation in place, or to discover gold or precious stones (time, safety, discipline, things like that)–the proper structure of building of that up: such, I’m told, belongs to Capricorn.

“We’ve already gone over Taurus a little bit, mainly [in the power] to distinguish what is beauty, and what actually has value, sometimes both of those together, sometimes one and not the other,” King Baligon says, “such is Taurus.” Being able to make a plan as to how to arrange the points and shapes–the overall sense of beauty is Taurus, but the overall plan to make the shapes and to distinguish one part from another, and to purify generally the gold and precious stones–melting points in the case of gold, for example–these are Virgo.

Now I’m getting the sense that Prince Bornogo wishes to arrive and assist with King Baligon, and I’m happy with that. King Baligon says this is possible only by the natural correspondence between Venus (during the hour of which he is to be called), as well as the sympathy between King Baligon and King Carmara (and their similar seals), the latter of whom with his prince, Hagonel, can switch the rules of Heptarchical manifestation around slightly.

I’m getting this sense of the sense of self, which is reflected in gold; Prince Bornogo says that the particular power of gold to reflect the individual is quite important. There is something about that inner empty mind that is seen, and that being able to distinguish one (possibly meaning true empty mind) from the next (a false sense of empty mind)–here we’re speaking metaphorically, in the sense of gold being able to reflect something that silver and other metals, in some ways, seems to corrupt slightly. The property that gold has is that it is such a rare element (relative to, say, iron), which comes from supernovae of eons past, (though perhaps not as rare as other metals), and which doesn’t tend toward radioactive decay. There’s something about how it reflects the heart of the sun, which is to be taken into account (when considering the Powers of Gold), and so the seeking of pure gold from alchemical (metaphorical) point of view, vs. the physical point of view, is not something to be discounted, because there is something very true and unique to an individual. There is the True Will, which one can begin to get a sense of by entering into Tiphareth, which one could potentially get at by a true sense of self, but it’s a very delicate process, Prince Bornogo says: that’s why it’s at the very heart of the sun.

“As far as precious stones,” King Baligon asks, “why are diamonds the best? It is the most valuable of all of the precious stones on account of the density and fixity of the points in relation to each other, the sheer packing of carbon atoms so closely and strongly together. There’s something poetic about that substance [carbon] which makes life possible, when it is given to itself, creates something that life itself seems attracted to.” Combined that with the heart of oneself, and the true focus of oneself (i.e., metaphorical gold), this is all very important. I ask if there’s anything additional as far as the astrological assignments go. I’m told quickly that Taurus understand the value, Capricorn the importance of focusing oneself over the long haul, so gold retains its value, and Capricorn is very much aware of that. Virgo energy, Prince Bornogo tells me, is especially good at distinguishing one thing from another, one stone from another: it has that power, and will seek the means to do so. Virgo also seems to have within it, especially if Mercury be there, this capacity to get at the heart of the sun, especially now that Regulus is there, he hastens to add. It has within it this means, merely by reflecting on the self, to begin to draw up the true sense of oneself.

Now I get some energy coming up off of the leaf. The royal angels say that this leaf is special, and represents the beginning of the final nine days, “in which the forty and the nine will be made clear unto you, much of which you have already expressed and discovered, but much more awaits.” I get the sense, and perhaps this is coming early–perhaps Prince Bornogo will have more to say in the evening, but I feel like all of the remaining (elemental earth) powers of gold and precious stones are being granted unto me early. Prince Bornogo nods, and once again I feel–a bit weighty, but not too bad–as all of these powers are being embedded within my subtle body system. Both Prince Bornogo and King Baligon are saying yes, this is a building process: “You have indeed lain out an excellent model, and the clarity of the trinity will be made clear unto you. Suffice it to say, it’s a bit of ‘the thing, its opposite, and the mediator. Much as God the Father, and Jesus Christ (who is of the earthly realm, and yet still Divine), so, too, is the Holy Spirit a mediator between the Two, and is mediator between the Father and anyone who has attained Christ Consciousness.”

I feel this elaborate and ornate Christian cross, but now it seems to be equal-armed cross, made of gold. At the ends I’m seeing all of these discs upon discs, making their way out from the ends of the cross. It’s gorgeous. They show it wrap about me, now, becoming two rings of a sphere or orb along the xy– and yz– planes, and now a third comes about me along the xz– plane. It is like unto a monarch’s orb, and it is rotating with jewels encrusted within it. It is like unto the Ophanim, except that the jewels are as unto eyes, or the eyes are as unto jewels, or somewhere in between. With all of this, much can be seen, and much can also be reflected back. It’s beautiful, whirling around now, taking on this energy. It is flaming a bit, but it is embedding itself within the throne of the Most High, which I see rolling around (note the power of transportation implicit in this image!). At first I see a figure on the throne who looks like me, but now it is empty, save for a point hovering in the very center. It is is a large throne, at first seeming 20 feet high, but now more like 200 feet high. The dimensionality is changing rapidly.

I ask, “What is there for me to hear, if you all, in your mercies, have something further to say, or to show?” At this, the throne splits vertically in two, and it’s like I come into the split, but then it unites into one again, and I become embedded within the throne. “This is the process now,” I’m told. “Tomorrow you will have the fullness of the powers of gold and precious stones, but the true meaning of them will be revealed unto you, and it is a meaning which shall stand this test of time: the reconciliation of Tiphareth, of Binah, and, yea, of Kether, in its fullness, and of Chokmah, naturally.” (Note: this could be a pulling in or reconciliation of Adam Qadmon with the Tree of Life, or it could be additional work done on the Tree of Life before I can proceed further into the realm of Adam Qadmon.)

I feel my subtle body system being tuned up again: it’s like I’m being lifted up. My crown chakra is sort of opening up, and I see it opening up like unto a leaf, or a blossom, but it’s like the angels are telling me, “Reach the tip of the leaf, reach the tip of the leaf!”

Thus ends the vision: thanks be to God.

Sunset: Similar procedure, but neglected to call on the god names of “MOR,” “DIAL,” and “HCTGA” until after the vision, during the vision, a great deal of distracting noise.

I feel a great deal of energy coming up off the leaf. King Baligon appears, and there is a great deal of energy coming up off of the leaf. Prince Bornogo is present, but does not come to the fore. King Baligon bids me relax, and speaks to the Excel solver which I have running, and suggests adding the duplicate numbers of servient angels back in (for so far, no solution has emerged).

He bids me relax again, and a third time. I try to do so. Now I see lightning come down about me, and there’s this earthen sphere about me (or several rings about a common polarity), which is also part lightning. It’s like this energized earth, or Uranian earth. It is all about me, and it is taking me throughout time, and I’m getting the sense from Prince Bornogo that this sphere is metals which are of an earthen nature, “For, yea, they tend to be found in the earth, are they not?”

“Yes,” I agree. It’s like I’m seeing the heavens themselves rip open once again, and I see an eye look through the tear at me (for the sky itself is its eyelid), and the pupil of this eye is the source of this lightning descending all about me in a nearly straight line. It’s like I’m hovering within some kind of electrical spherical cage, and the energy about me now seems to close in, and it’s permeating about my entire system, and, yes! It feels like my entire subtle body system is changing, and my hands are being magnetized. It feels like this is merely the first step, and the angels say, “Yes, for such energy shall come down upon thee in the full might of the Lord, or nearest so much as you can handle.”

I’m totally confused (“and that’s okay,” I remark). So I’m looking about me for any sort of clue right now, but it’s just this energetic, energetic, energetic, energetic…and I’m trying my best to maintain this lovingkindness all about me, and this causes the cage of rings about the pole to open before me, and I am allowed to rest in a bed. Yet this bed seems to have a life of its own! It seems to be taking me to and fro, and it seems like there’s no end to where I’m going, and there is a lot of light about me. Eventually I hear the word “Stop.”

The angels say, “Examine your heart, Son of Man, Son of God, Son of Earth: continue to examine it, day in and day out. Allow the lovingkindness within you to pour out, a hundredfold, a thousandfold, ten-thousandfold from where you have it now, and, yea, even more, so it will be pleasing unto the Most High.”

Thus ends the vision!

Gebofal, Day 40

Sunrise: Call/Key 10, (because it is the ninth spoken call (after the “not to be spoken” true first call, most practitioners refer to this as call 9). Call to King Bynepor, Vibrated the God names “OIP,” “TEAA,” and “PDOCE.” Vibrated names of Governor Doanzin (should’ve been Oddiorg!) and Zodiacal King Hononol (ZIP).

Governor Doanzin and Kings Bynepor and Hononol are here equally because the number of the call matches the 9996 of those angels, I’m told (despite my calling the incorrect governor!). I relax now, and the first thing I’m shown is a flood within a mine. The angels show me this water washing away the dirt is washed from gold ore: “much as it causeth [geometric] loose points to disconnect from more fixed ones,” I’m told. “What it reveals, when there’s enough water to wash away that which cloudeth” then one can see that “there is gold, there are jewels, there is just so much that needed to be seen.”

The angels are commenting about how yesterday seemed to lack geometry: “Again, it was that openness, it was that openness of the points, and their freedom to move about and to transport and they’re doing so within a focus. Now,” they add, “that the same thing can happen with water, except that it has this effect of moving the mud about the gold or the precious stones.” Now the angels continue, “Much as water reflects the image of one who stares into it, yea, even though the water be cloudy and murky: so, too, do gold and precious stones do this. Think thou of the Buddha and Buddhists and Buddhist temples and how there’s so much gold to be had in them! Yes, it’s a valuable commodity in and of itself,” they’re saying, but the point is that, “it’s not taken and used in these things, but it’s there to reflect, so one can see oneself in a clear-cut and not-opaque gem. It reflects something deeper in the psyche.”

At this point the angels advise me to consider this word. Psyche is noted for her beauty (Tiphareth), reflected about her in the gold (sun, ruler of Tiphareth) of Eros’ (son of Venus, whose planet is ruler of Netzach) palace. There’s also a bit about how she is the goddess of the soul, yet she must face death in order to reach this apotheosis. The angels continue, “There’s something very emotional, sentimental, but also, at its purest and cleanest, that ‘eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,’ the empty mind. There’s something reflected in that water that can stir a memory of this mind.” (Note: I’ll also add the myth of other legendary items pulled from water, such as Excalibur, given by the Lady of the Lake).

I’m told to now consider water as a means of transportation. We already some of this with Pisces and the fish which moves within it; indeed, today I have my feet upon the seal of King Bynepor, who would seem to correspond to planetary Jupiter, which rests upon the water tablet. As an aside, the angels note that the full boon of this day will come during the ingress [of the planet Jupiter into Pisces]. “It is not to be forgotten, Son of Man, Son of God, Son of Earth.”

I am shown the transportation of “all manner of goods, all manner of substances, good or ill, because [water has] the desire to flow, and that freedom to flow, yet [each point is] connected by other [points, which represent] people. All of the points within water are in constant contact with others, which is a much closer and intimate vibe than air, which tends to be–we call it abstract, but really [a point of] air tends to just go off and take a while before it hits something else.”

The angels conclude the properties of transportation and of gold and precious jewels. “When it comes to the next call, we have Venus in its nocturnal domicile.”

Also, on Day 44, “in order for the numbers of the servient angels to add up to 69636” (the number contained in the fifth spoken call, assigned to that day), the angels suggest that I find various combinations via Excel. If I do so carefully, they add, I should be able to get all possible combinations of numbers within those Aethyrs, and that I could use all of the individual servient angels from all 91 parts earth/governors. That would indeed be a challenge!

I ask the angels if there is indeed a sum across the Aethyr totals of servient angels which add to 69636. “We’ll see,” they say coyly. I ask them earnestly for their help.

I have since entered these into Excel and used the Solver tool successfully to find a combination of servient Aethyr angels which add up to that. Now I am updating it to work on the other numbers for which I had no exact match.

Noon: Similar procedure, correcting the governor name to Oddiorg.

Gov. Oddiorg and Kings Bynepor and Hononol say that they will just tick through the powers of gold/precious stones and of transportation for each of the three water signs.

With respect to the powers of gold and precious stones of Pisces, this, I’m told, is exactly where Jupiter placed here is at its best. It’s like when the rains come, and they wash everything away: that’s what it’s like with Jupiter in Pisces. The rains move the stones from where they were and, as a result, one can thereby receive new opportunities, and a new chance to reflect on oneself (see metaphorical meaning above). With respect to transportation, all of the waterways, but seafaring especially with respect to Pisces, much more so than the other two signs.

In Cancer, here Jupiter is in its exaltation, and here we find, oftentimes, heirlooms are passed down this way, but the…this is sort of like a treasure chest, which can be opened and distributed, oftentimes an armored one. Any sort of gold which resides in bank vaults, stuff like that: this is what the angels of this power operate over. The claws of which hold a jewel in place in jewelry would also be of this power. I ask if it’s better to call on such angels when the appropriate planets move through that sign, and they say yes, go ahead and consider astrology in this. It would obviously better to Jupiter transiting Pisces or Cancer, or, when this will be described Saturday, Sagittarius.

When it comes to the powers of transportation, especially of Jupiter in Cancer: this is where we can get a little into things like submarines, which are a bit both like Cancer and Scorpio, that hard shell and deep delving aspect. Any large ships through a canal or a river, I’m told, belong more to Cancer; the powers of canals generally, too, for their “cracking open” as seen earlier in the powers of Transformation.

The powers of Scorpio with respect to gold and precious stones: here we have the idea of sunken treasure or, if you have to cross waters to get at it, or buried treasure. The idea generally of delving and finding, delving and finding, if water or an island are involved. They call Jack Sparrow emblematic of this type of figure. There’s also the intensity of cutting of a precious stone and the precision involved.

When it comes to transportation, we’ve already had this idea of a submarine; there’s also any kind of tunnel or pipes with a watery aspect to it.

That’s it. They understand the constraints that I’m under, and thus ends the vision.

Sunset: Similar procedure.

I’m a little out of it on account of having just napped, yet King Bynepor, Governor Oddiorg, and King Hononol are all pleased with this state, and bid me just continue to relax. I see a big splash into the ocean, and the water comes about me in a sphere. I immediately feel my entire subtle body change, and once again the angels are just adding these powers to my subtle body system. “Use this with wisdom, Son of Man, Son of God, Son of Earth, for the Most High hath bestowed His PRONOA upon thee in unlike measure.”

I’m feeling it water come upon me, come about me, be imprinted upon me. I’m very grateful for this, and I feel myself a little uneasy, noting that it’s been a rough day for me emotionally. “Your feelings are your own, Son of Man, Son of God, Son of Earth,” the angels remark: and now this sphere of water is circulating about and within me, like a torus, and it becomes this flow, and I feel some energy come up off of Leaf 10.

“Yea, now forty leaves hath been completed, and only nine remain. So, too, shalt thou now know the Mysteries that the Most High hath in store for thee. Rest now, Son of Man, Son of God, Son of Earth, and be a faithful servant unto Him.

“Go in peace. Serve the Lord.”

The vision ends.

Observations on the Order of the Watchtower Gebofal Calls (Part 2): Updated!

Update 1: See text.

Update 2: I have added King Carmara & Prince Hagonel to those days in which multiple kings & at least one prince must be called, for they are the high king and prince, respectively. See my write-up of Day 36, coming shortly. This also leaves (heh) both King Carmara & Prince Hagonel called times each.

I think I have something of a scheme (subject to change) which explains the different order that I’ve observed with respect to these leaves. Today (Day 35/Leaf 15), the tablet activated was the Air tablet, and because it’s Saturday, it was King Bnapsen who I called. He said that there will be a reversing, several times, of the tablet order.

Yet I have also noted the following: most of the time, the Enochian calls (which, among other things, are associated with the leaves of Amzes Naghezes Hardeh (Liber Loagaeth) of gebofal) sometimes have large numbers (i.e., in the thousands) in them, and these are relatively close to the number of servient angels associated with zodiacal kings in the Aethyrs. Yet there are some calls which do not have them.

Thinking through both of these discrepancies, I had a tentative order to the remaining days’ workings; it was beautiful, it was, in King Bnapsen’s words, “clever,” but “wrong.” Rather than show the original, here’s what he hacked with me during today’s solar noon scrying. I’ll link to this after the fact.

The only thing I’ll note is that tomorrow, Sunday, I will actually call on Prince Bornogo (in addition to King Bobogel). Other days I’m either calling on only the king or a king and prince jointly. Saturn and the sun invert their associations for exaltation and fall, so there are two days when their influences are combined (“the last shall be first, and the first, last.“)

The second of these, the last elemental day (yet n.b. that two watchtower calls remain on Thursday & Friday, and Leaf 1 I will read on Saturday), falls on Wednesday, yet King Bnapsen associated it with the Sun and Saturn. When I call on Prince Brorges the Saturday prior, it is nonetheless during Mercury’s hour). Mercury is mercurial! By then, astrological Mercury will be in exact trine to Saturn, and the sun the sun is transiting will be ruled by Venus, who will be in Mercury’s sign of Gemini. Finally, the sephirothic & planetary switch between Raphael and Michael for Tiphareth, Hod, Mercury, and the sun seem somehow reconciled with Saturn in this plan.

In general, he says, this is tailored to me and my natal chart (King Bnapsen notes that my Mercury is in Aries, the sign of the sun’s exaltation), so your results may vary.

Finally, note that the tablet order changes from:

  • Water-Earth-Fire-Air (West-North-East-South, which suggests the night, a reversal of the day), to
  • Air/South-Water/West-Earth/North-Fire/East (shifting the order by a single tablet), then
  • Air/South-Water/West-Earth/North-Fire/East (again), and finally:
  • Fire-Water-Earth-Air, which, interestingly, has the “first and last” from the previous two rounds reversed.

Here’s the table:

Call (by convention / proper)Day of weekDateElementKing(s) / PrincePlanetSignDomicile
17/18Wednesday28-AprEarthBnaspolMercuryVirgoDomicile & Exaltation
13/14Sunday2-MayWaterCarmara, Hagonel, Bobogel Bornogo & Baligon VenusPiscesExaltation
12/13Monday3-MayEarthCarmara, Hagonel, Blumaza, Bralges, BnapsenMoon / SaturnTaurus / CapricornExaltation /Domicile
7/8Saturday8-MayFireCarmara, Hagonel, Bnapsen, Brorges,
Saturn/SunLibra/AriesExaltation (inversion)
5/6Monday10-MayWaterCarmara, Hagonel, Blumaza, Bralges, ByneporMoon / JupiterCancerDomicile/ Exaltation
3/4Wednesday12-MayAirCarmara, Hagonel, Bnaspol, Blisdon, Bobogel, BnapsenSun/SaturnAries/LibraExaltation (inversion)
2/3Thursday13-MayN/ACarmara, HagonelN/AN/AN/A
1/2Friday14-MayN/ACarmara, HagonelN/AN/AN/A
*1: Leaf 1Saturday15-MayN/ACarmara, HagonelN/AN/AN/A
†0Prayer of Enoch only16-MayN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
‡00Prayer of Enoch only17-MayN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
**000Prayer of Enoch only18-MayN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
*End of Gebofal proper; in the evening, around 8:37, when I intend to finish: all four planets are in domicile, and all planets in sect.
†Included to complete a full septile and to fulfill promise: “Thrice 50 times will I lift my hands unto thee” in prayer of Enoch.
‡Included to complete a full astrological septile
**Actual end of the ritual; included to complete a full septile. This day the moon is in Leo, my rising sign, while the sun is in Taurus, my 10th house and the sign of my sun & moon.
Strikethrough text indicates changes to calls based on advice from King Carmara in later readings.

Sorry for the formatting. Full spreadsheet available on request.

Gebofal, Day 20

Sunrise: Call to Aethyr of ICH (twice due to a lack of concentration the first time). Call to King BALIGON after Stenwick’s method. Once again, though I may have not made it clear from recent visions, I am generating compassion, and sitting astrally upon a throne. I align all seven chakras concentrically, and the legs of the throne are an exact cube. I also call on the seven angels of today (3 zodiacal kings, 3 governors, and the heptarchical king), in rounds of seven (I’ve been doing seven rounds more or less from the beginning).

The angels open a zipper, and I see an eye from the separation of fabric. It’s a catlike or Sauron-like eye, and I’m drawn/pushed/pulled towards it. I enter the iris. About me is red. I concentrate and show compassion. The red pours into a figure in front of me, and it’s the Flash, an evil version of him (as opposed to all the other speedster villains, let alone his complete Rogues gallery!). This version runs around me, and I’m just having compassion for all of this showing up in this very dispersive way.

I pause to call on the angels; doing so two more times in addition to the seven times I called on them earlier seems to do the trick. This seems to have taken me to the opposite side of the eye, the retina, and they open it like a door. White light pours in, and I’m bidden to walk forward, which I do.

Now I’m at a halfway point, and I see (in the white light in front of me) computer code characters like from The Matrix. In front of me, it’s flowing upward (exalted knowledge), where as behind me it descends into this black wave or goo (the angels confirm that this is Choronzon). It’s like where I am it’s literally looking like a “mouth of the Abyss.” There’s this big cresting black of information, looking like a “heavy” (tall, surfer-worthy) wave, sort of held in this position as from a force-field, and I’m in the spot where it would normally be about to crest and knock me over. On the other side is light and well-ordered information. And all of this is being exchanged in an orderly manner, basically on account of the latter. This is the maximal height of the infernal realms, I’m told–but no further. The green bits of code themselves, and not the infernal portions, get sucked into the white part.

I have compassion for all of this. It’s very wild. I stay enthroned, and the angels remind me of the checklist: enthroned, compassionate towards all I see, all possibilities that were or could have been, and to continue to do this across all of time. At this point, it’s probably to try to condense all of this into this lotus-rose symbol. It will seem like unto mud at bottom, if you hold it there, and like pain if you hold it at the stem, and the blossom will always be attached there.

But now the angels are telling me to progressively move inward from the sepal to the petals and finally to the very center of the bloom. I see a bee emerge from the flower. It reminds me of my first trip through the Aethyrs, but even the bee within the flower could sting me, but only if treated badly.

I’m taken now, by a caped superhuman character (I’ve been watching Invincible on TV lately). It’s like I’m being tested, so he punches me several dozen times quickly, but this is more like additional subtle body therapy on the being’s part. I maintain concentration, and offer the hero a lotus-rose, and he disappears. The angels disappear, and it’s like my subtle body had simply absorbed the energy of the punches and sustained no trauma.

Noon: Similar procedure.

I see a smile, and it’s Venus flytrap smile, and it approaches me and swallows me. The overall shape of the mouth which swallows me is spherical (note: see previous visions on the black sphere) but I’m swallowed into a white space, not into a belly.

The angels suggest I begin fusing previous symbols. The cube of the throne is simplified into its 8 corners, which are now the thorns on the rose. The concentric spheres which were my chakras can now be the petals of the lotus-rose. I hold the flower by its sepals, and a few of the sepals seem to unfold like inviting fingers; I decide to put one finger out and it curls around my finger like an infant finger does.

Yet for the rest of my hand I continue to hold the flower about the stem, but ask the angels whether I ought to hold it in a higher location. The flower itself sways about the stem like Baby Groot. There’s something about the bee in the center of the blossom, now. It comes to sting me below the right eye (again such an eye would see good, whereas the left would see evil). The bee takes its hat off (yes, it’s wearing a hat), and flies back to the blossom.

The gold-and-black remind me of Tiphareth and Da’at, respectively, with the latter being associated with “crossing the Abyss.” Thus this could represent the path of Gimel between Tiphareth and Kether, which includes Da’at. Nonetheless I’m also reminded of how they transport and sometimes eat pollen and collect nectar. Finally, I recall from a previous vision that the angels likened themselves unto bees of the Divine’s projects, often leaving structures for humanity to use.

I continue to process the many qualities and activities of bees. In this context, bees gather from the heart. Now, the angels say, is a unified symbol which can be used to integrate this into an entire angelic system. This is how things ought to go, they say. The angel is at the center, at the apex. The remaining symbols can be fused as follows. The square pyramid (by extension, the regular octahedron) is like unto the stem (because it is a dual polyhedra with the cube), and is the difficult work it takes to create this sort of awareness out of suffering. The lotus is like the symbol atop the pyramid (recall we saw this as a sphere earlier), the spiral about the earth is like the lily of the lotus, again in a roughly teardrop shape. All of this works fractally, up from the “world” of an individual person to the entire planet or even universe. At this last level, the bee merely sits upon this apex of the collective heart of all, resting within this glory, which is the heart of the Divine.

This apex shows an opening all the way across the Abyss into a very narrow window into the world of Adam Qadmon. I can see directly across the Abyss, and there’s this portal or wormhole awaiting for me at the very end, and as I get to LIL, I can see, all will be much more apparent. It dawns on me to scry a sevenfold LIL (“Madriax dspraf LIL de LIL de LIL de LIL de LIL de LIL de LIL”: “O you heavens which dwell in LIL of LIL of … of LIL”) at the very end, and the angels say yes, but to save that for the evening, which will lead to me saying the name of the heaven seven times in all. Audible! I express my gratitude.

I see a hawk about the wormhole and the bee is trying to fuse with it. It reminds me of Aiwass and Heru-Ra-Ha. I’m trying to see more about it, and I’m trying to concentrate into this point to see more. It will be grokked, the angels inform me. The only way to see into it is to cross the Abyss, so I’ll save that for tomorrow and Sunday.

The vision ends.

Sunset: Similar procedure. As with last night, I have to repeat the call twice due to poor concentration.

I’ve noticed a distinct group effect to this ritual in my social circle, so I do my best to hold them in spirit as I focus on the lotus-rose during this part of the ritual. Energy is coming up off of the leaf and the seal. There’s a strong emotion to continue to hold on and complete this task due to this group effect arising in me, and I know that tomorrow will be the climax of that, and I’m tempted to look ahead to Sunday when this part of the ordeal will be over, but I see Babalon smiling at how I have no idea what I’m in for on Sunday.

The energy of my arms is quite noticeable, a rising energy, and now it seems to flow from my torso into these arms and into the hands and finally is raised in a vertical plane of energy into the heavens. I see quick visions of what I’ve seen before: I pass through the eye of Sauron, past the wave of black goo full of green Matrix computer code, and fully into the whiteness, or at least the first two are behind me. Here, this whiteness, is the Abyss. It’s white because of how tightly I’m holding onto the heart, and I’m being given a lot of support to do so, and express my gratitude.

Now a welling-up of emotion towards those who I’ve had raw emotions about today: friends, acquaintances, and now even people from long ago. I force myself to hold them in my focus and the pain I’ve caused them through so much Will (now I remind myself that my experience of the nature of dukkha won’t be like this all the time). I want so much, because I am intensely aware now of all of the energy of the sum total of any and all bad behavior I’ve ever done, because it’s condensed into this moment, yet it’s combined with all of the people who are harmed by all of the harm done by Anyone, Ever and at the same time, it is this vast cosmic energy, and I see myself as a Cosmic Unity of Raw Pain of Sentience, like me in the position of Batman holding Jason Todd, but instead it’s me like an Alex Grey painting, and I’m in full cosmic color holding a limp, departed soul and looking upward, Pain on my Face. Yet I’m still holding this same compassion and trying to hard to relax, though my heart chakra and mind race at 100 miles a minute through the agony of It All–

OK. This is it, and it’s okay. It’s okay, and it’s perfect as it is, and any other project notions of perfection that you may have: the act of thinking them is itself perfect.

Now I feel some energy on my two shoulder blades, and there’s like some miniature psychic surgery going on to my heart chakra. Now I see something like unto a squid but beholding it now, I see that it is like a jellyfish, but actually is, an eyelid forming full 360-degree circle of eyelashes, with no eye. I don’t know what to say, and perhaps there’s nothing to say to such. The skin makes a bubble and it uses its eyelashes to make a circle on the whiteness and then enters it, and upon its eyelashes, the skin making an elegant half-sphere.

There’s a real opportunity here for Grace. This is the intelligence and perhaps what can be considered the heart of the Abyss, and I hold compassion for it. I see a drip into a sphere of water, like slow-motion. The angels say that I need to be able to grok this. “Reach in and grok this without disturbing it.” The sense I get is ignorance, which means “without knowledge” but specifically without gnosis, a spiritual, illuminated knowledge of one’s own Divinity, which is the kind of knowledge that should immediately trigger Understanding of Binah. The issue here–and here I get something of a warning look from an older man with an inner head-strap set (such as you would see on older astronauts) and glowing blue, laser-vision eyes–and here several words come to me: violence, turning-over, schism, splitting–none of these are right. I recall the origin of Chokmah as an input-output necessity created by any neuron, the first time I scried ICH a couple of years ago. The original input must by necessity be transformed.

Now, at the universal level, what the angels are talking about is the transformation of reality from one moment to the next. If you reduce the universe down to a series of space-time stamps, one instant to the next, and these to be like 3D versions of frames of a film and put them in order, then from one moment to the next, Da’at is like the sum total of all of the rules which causes the spacetime transformation. It is an absolute, with no regard for whether one is a human being or an atom of hydrogen on Jupiter or a photon being absorbed in that instant by a neutron in a neutron star. It’s an absolute enforcement of all of the rules enabling this transformation. Note that here we have both time and space, suggestive of Binah and Chokmah, but stripped of awareness or sight of its own Divinity: such a tragedy! I reflect for a moment on the Tree of Life about how it could go from Geburah to Chokmah.

This is why it’s so difficult to get into the higher sephiroth such as Binah: if you want to Understand why a Divine principle works, it must be absolute and to your core, whether you Like it or not, or what you may have Expected it to Be or not, or like something you were Taught in School or not. As far as the Meaning of this is concerned: this may be sum total of the rules, but getting into the Why the Rules of why things are like this in the first place is when the individual is stepping into the Supernal rule. Because Da’at offers no reason for them here.

Now the Leaf is almost done, so I return to the circular eyelid. I love it and I accept it for what it is, and with that, it passes outside of its circle, and I walk into, through, and past its circle, and through a door, symbolic of my encountering the Abyss itself tomorrow. I’m seeing how certain things want to be revealed and understood at each Aethyr and am respecting this. I ask the angels, the zodiacal kings and governors, and King Baligon, whether they have anything else. They give me the lotus-rose to me, and it scratches my face, and I’m holding it with half of my fingers on the inside of the sepals and being held by them, the other half still holding it from the outer parts of the sepals.

The vision ends.